I made it back from saskabush in one piece. Getting there was a bit of a challenge but I eventually made it there. A day late and a dollar or two short. It was a fantastic trip though. My friend Deanna picked me up at the airport in Saskatoon in the middle of a snowstorm. What a friend she is! She took me back to her house which is about 30 minutes from the city. I got to see her new house, well new to me. They have been in it for about 4 years now. I had such a good time there. We went down to the local watering hole in the evening and ate some awesome wings and had a few beers. Her kids are all so sweet and quite hilarious. I was sorry to have to leave so soon as my sister and her fiance picked me up on their way through to Tisdale. The roads were very bad for most of their trip so they were all a little edgy.
We got into Tisdale at 10:00 at night and drove directly to the hotel that Grandma Ida had booked for us. You know how every small town in the prairies has a bar with a hotel rooms above it and you really didn't think anyone ever stayed there. You now know someone who has. It wasn't pretty my friend. We were led up this narrow stairway with carpet that was about 30 years old. As I'm thinking what in the hell have we gotten ourselves into? Anyway we were shown the room. Picture if you will, brown shag carpeting everywhere - even in the bathroom. The bathroom people! That is way beyond wrong! It had old radiator heating that clanked and banged all night. Joy. Anyway we survived the Tisdale Hotel, and how many people can truly say that?
The next day we went and decorated the hall for the 40th anniversary party. Which is what brought all of us here in the first place. The party went very well and alot of people showed up. Mom and Dad and David and Lynn all had fun and appreciated it alot (they had a double wedding with each other so we thought it would be great to do their anniversary together as well).
My friend Deanna came up for the anniversay so it was great to see her again. We ducked out for a half an hour or so and went to Kendall and Layla's and got to see some more people. Layla was having a girl's night out so we had a drink with them, I got to see Kendall and Layla's kids, who are huge by the way. Very tall little lads. We then went back to the hall and finished off the evening.
The next day Deanna phoned and said that they were coming back to town again! Got to love her. I phoned Troy and Laura and Kendall and Layla and told them that we would all meet them at the Star City bar. Layla couldn't come but Kendall and Troy and Laura and Deanna and Denis and I had fun anyway. I stayed at Deanna's parent's house. Her brother is building a huge beautiful house out at their farm, so Deanna and I sat in the construction zone and drank some more and talked and talked and talked. Until 5:00 in the morning! My Dad came and picked me up at 8:30 - I was very tired and probably still a little drunk! We went back to Grandma Ida's and had bacon and eggs. Shellie and Chris and her kids left after breakfast. I was sad to see them go. By this time my cold had gotten really bad. I had a bit of an asthma attack, so off to the emergency room we went. I left with a puffer, antibiotics and steriods! Very worthwhile. It was so good to be back in Saskatchewan. I miss it so much sometimes. I left in 1989 when I was only 19 years old. I haved lived in Northern BC since then but I still call Star City home.
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